World Meteorological Organization |
Date: 2025-02-18 |
Version: 1.0.0 |
Document location: |
Task Team on WIS Metadata (TT-WISMD)[1] |
Expert Team on Metadata Standards (ET-Metadata)[2] |
Standing Committee on Information Management and Technology (SC-IMT)[3] |
Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM)[4] |
Copyright © 2024 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) |
1. Overview
1.1. Purpose
This document is intended to define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in support of the WIS2 Notification Message (WNM). KPIs provide measurable and valuable quality assessment rules over and above the rulesets put forth by WNM.
The core driver of WNM KPIs is continuous improvement and useability of notificaiton messages as part of the WMO Information System (WIS).[5]
1.2. Scope
This document is bound to the WNM specification and codelists. All other metadata specifications or representations are not in scope.
1.3. Audience
The target stakeholder audiences for this document include (but are not limited to):
WIS2 Global Services
WIS2 Nodes
WIS2 Global Discovery Catalogues (GDCs)
WIS2 Monitoring
1.4. How to use
The KPIs in this document are designed to help data providers in the production of notificaiton messages, as well as WIS2 Global Services, Monitoring and Nodes to measure the quality of notifications from data providers.
In order to improve quality:
providers should use the KPIs to build into their notification message generation
WIS2 Global Services, Monitoring and Nodes should use the KPIs in order to quality assess notification metadata and provide subsequent feedback to providers
1.5. Scoring
Each KPI assesses a number of criteria asssociated with notification message quality, resulting in a raw score, as well as a percentage. This approach supports weighted rubric scoring.
1.6. Reference implementation
The TT-WISMD maintains pywis-pubsub[6], as the reference WNM validation utility which includes:
validation against WNM, Annex A: Conformance Class Abstract Test Suite (Normative)
validation against the KPIs described in this document
Documentation on installation, configuration and usage can be found on the pywis-pubsub website.
pywis-pubsub is provided as a resource to the community, under continuous improvement. Contributions are welcome and can be facilited by the WMO.
1.7. Conventions
1.7.1. Symbols and abbreviated terms
Abbreviation | Term |
Data Collection and Production Centres |
Global Discovery Catalogue |
Hypertext Markup Language |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure |
JavaScript Object Notation |
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions |
NC |
National Centre |
Open Geospatial Consortium |
pywis-pubsub |
WMO implementation of WNM validation |
Uniform Resource Locator |
World Data Centre |
WMO Information System |
World Meteorological Organization |
2. Key performance indicators
2.1. WCMP dataset record identification
2.1.2. Rationale for measurement
The metadata identifier provides linkage to the associated discovery metadata in the GDC and provides traceability to the overall dataset description.
2.1.3. Measurement
Whether WCMP discovery metadata information is available and can be successfully identified.
2.1.4. Guidance to score well on this assessment
Provide an identifier of the associated WCMP dataset record in the Global Discovery Catalogue