The Team

The members of the ET-WDC are comprised of experts in data management and/or senior scientists dealing with the management of observations in a broad sense; the managers of the GAW World Data Centres, and GAWSIS; as well as a representative of the WMO/GAW Secretariat. Additional experts can be invited.

Member WDC Affiliation Location
Jörg Klausen (chair) Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss Zürich, Switzerland
Øystein Godøy Met Norway Oslo, Norway
Ellsworth J. Welton NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MA, USA
Gao Chen NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, USA
Vincent-Henri Peuch ECMWF Reading, United Kingdom
Tom Kralidis WOUDC Environment and Climate Change Canada, Meteorological Service of Canada (ex officio) Toronto, ON, Canada
Atsuya Kinoshita WDCGG Japan Meteorological Agency Japan (ex officio)
Anatoly Tsvetkov WRDC Main Geophysical Observatory St. Petersburg, Russia (ex officio)
Chris Lehmann WDCPC Illinois State Water Survey Champaign, IL, USA (ex officio)
Markus Fiebig WDCA Norwegian Institute for Air Research Kjeller, Norway (ex officio)
Kjetil Tørseth WDCRG Norwegian Institute for Air Research Kjeller, Norway (ex officio)
Julian Meyer-Arnek WDC-RSAT Deutsche Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) Germany (ex officio)
Sergio Moreno Valero WMO Geneva, Switzerland

Please also consult the WMO Country Profile Database.