2019 ET-WDC Meeting
last update: 2018-08-22
Hampton, Virginia, USA
2019-10-01 - 2019-10-03
Final report .pdf
Tuesday (09:00 – 17:00)
0. Welcome, practical arrangements
- Welcome by the Deputy Director for Research and Mission Science in NASA Langley Research Center (Baize)
- Practical arrangements (Chen, Netcheva)
1. Introduction of participants
- doc_1.1_participants (Netcheva) .docx v0.4
2. Report by chair ET-WDC, objectives of meeting, approval of agenda
- doc_2.1_report_chair_et-wdc (Klausen) .pdf
- doc_2.2_provisional_agenda (Netcheva) .docx v0.5
3. Relevant outcomes of WMO Cg-18 and EC-70
- doc_3.1_outcomes_cg-18_ec-70 (Netcheva) .pdf
4. Reports by GAW WDCs: Achievements, status and plans
- doc_4.1_wdca (Tørseth) .pdf
- doc_4.2_wdcrg (Tørseth) .pdf
- doc_4.3_wdcgg (Kinoshita) .pdf
- doc_4.4_woudc (Kralidis) .pdf
- doc_4.5_wrdc (Tsvetkov)
- doc_4.6_wdcpc (Lehmann)
- doc_4.7_wdc-rsat (Meyer-Arnek)
5. Contributing programs, other data archives
- doc_5.1_mplnet (Welton) .docx
- doc_5.2_shadoz (Kollonige) .docx (report) .pdf (slides)
- doc_5.3_gcw (Godøy)
- doc_5.4_other_nasa_data_centres (Virdi)
- doc_5.5_eanet (Sato) .pdf
- doc_5.6_ndacc (De Mazière) .pdf
- doc_5.7_icos-cp (Vermeulen) .pdf
Wednesday (09:00 – 18:00)
6. The bigger picture: WMO data management and how GAW can/should contribute
7. Workshop “Connecting the dots”
8. Controlled vocabularies
- Doc_8.1_atmospheric_composition_variable_standard_names_V10 (Chen) .pdf
- Doc_8.2_nilu_ebas_wigos-metadata (Tørseth) .pdf